Monday, 30 May 2005
Status of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Project (pdf)
Paul Chen, NSPO
Introduction to GPS/GNSS in atmospheric sensing (pdf)
Tom Yunck, JPL
GNSS meteorology: GPS observation equation and obtaining the trop. excess phase (pdf)
Chris Rocken, UCAR
Introduction to GPS radio occultation (pdf)
Stig Syndergaard, UCAR
Data quality control and observation error estimation (pdf)
Martin Lohmann, UCAR/JCSDA
CHAMP: Scientific results (pdf)
Jens Wickert, GFZ Potsdam
GPS RO data retrieval: Ionospheric correction (pdf)
Yuei-An Liou, NSPO
Tuesday, 31 May 2005
Introduction to atmospheric data assimilation: Basic concepts and methodologies (pdf)
Xiaolei Zou, FSU
GPS RO observation operators for NWP models (pdf)
Stig Syndergaard, UCAR
Typhoon research in Taiwan and the DOTSTAR (pdf)
Chun-Chieh Wu, NTU
Assimilation of GPS RO data for typhoon prediction (pdf)
Ching-Yuang Huang, NCU
First forecast impact experiments with CHAMP RO meas. at ECMWF (pdf)
Sean Healy, ECMWF
Recent results on QC, simulation, and assimilation of GPS RO data (pdf)
Xiaolei Zou, FSU
Assimilation of GPS RO data for global weather prediction at CWB (pdf)
Joseph Chang, CCU
Wednesday, 01 June 2005
Practical issues related to the assimilation of GPS RO data (pdf)
Sean Healy, ECMWF
Applications of RO observations to climate studies (pdf)
Rick Anthes, UCAR
COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center (CDAAC) Demonstration (pdf)
Chris Rocken, UCAR
Climate monitoring and GPS RO (pdf)
Stephen Leroy, Harvard Univ.
Regional climate studies in East Asia (pdf)
Huang-Hsiung Hsu, NTU
Regional climate modeling with WRF model (pdf)
Ruby Leung, PNL
Orbital and gravity sciences using GPS data of LEOs
Cheinway Hwang, NCTU
Thursday, 02 June 2005
Ionosphere and ionospheric delay (pdf)
Tony Mannucci, JPL
Tri-band beacon (pdf)
Scott Budzien, NRL
The Tiny Ionospheric Photometer: Science applications (pdf)
Scott Budzien, NRL
GAIM and ionospheric RO data assimilation (pdf)
Tony Mannucci, JPL
Ionospheric research in Taiwan
Yen-Hsyang Chu, NCU
Ionospheric disturbance triggered by the lithosphere, atmosphere, and space weather
Jann-Yeng Liu, NCU
Space geodesy for COSMIC and using COSMIC (pdf)
Friday, 03 June 2005
WRF Variational Data Assimilation System (WRF-Var) Tutorial (pdf)
Dale Barker, NCAR
Run WRF 3D-VAR (pdf)
Shu-Hua Chen, UC Davis